By the time you read this, the May Festival willhave been and gone. Hopefully, it will have been asuccessful weekend, with glorious weather, andeveryone will have had agreat time! As always, weare grateful for the many people who have(hopefully!) helped out, especially with themarquee, running the bar and side shows, and allthe background tasks needed to make everything work.
Next thing on our calendar is the AGM on 8th Juneat 7.45pm. W€ meet on the Recreation Ground,outside if it's a nice evening, and it's usually arelaxed meeting, helped by a glass or two of wine (no promise!). This is an important meeting, andwe would like as many as possible to attend. Wewould especially like to see someone comeforward to represent the School or the Youth Club,as neither of these organisations are currentlyrepresented on our committee. We hope to keep the number of full committee meetings to 2 per year, including the AGM, so it shouldn't take toomuch of your time. We now have a separate subcommittee who organise our fund-raising events,and also meetings to handle the pavilion project newmembers would be more than welcome toeither group! Or - you would be welcome to come to the AGM just to see what we do.
Progress report on the pavilion - the planning application is now in, just waiting for it to bedecided upon. We hope to make applications for grant funding over the Summer, initially with ·SportEngland". Our architect is investigating "green"heating options for us. We will probably include either "ground source" or "air source" heating toprovide a level of background heating, at minimal running cost, all through the winter months.
Last month, I wrote that I had made an initial approach to the Parish Council regarding using the granite pillars stored in the car park to replace the damaged benches. I am grateful to the Council for agreeing to let us have the granite pillars to use inthis way. I have removed, and disposed of, all thedamaged seats and will be moving the graniteposts onto the concrete bases, where the seats were, to replace them.
It is unfortunate that I have to end with acomplaint again! There have been two incidents in the last month or two where properties adjoining theRecreation Ground have been damaged by golf balls. First, I don't think the Recreation Ground isa particularly safe place for golf, then, even if youare sure there's no risk of hitting anyone, surely itwould be common sense to hit the ball away fromthe houses! We don't have a huge list of rulesdictating what can't be done on the RecreationGround, but do expect users to show considerationfor other users and for our neighbours. Manythanks for your continued support.
Mike Fleetwood, Chairman. Tel: 290365
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